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Abby Shapiro - Star Barracuda

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Abby Shapiro, a passionate and beloved Barracuda, died in 2015 from osteosarcoma, a form of bone cancer.

Each year, our team hosts an end-of-the-season banquet in Abby's honor, and awards a Barracuda swimmer with The Abby Shapiro Spirit Award who most demonstrates the attributes that Abby exemplified.  Learn more about Abby and her award below.

Below are the recipients of The Abby Shapiro Spririt Award:

  • 2023: Carolina Pineiro
  • 2022: Teagan Brindle
  • 2021: Aksel and Pascal Bell
  • 2019: Lily Andrews
  • 2018: Jacob Palo
  • 2017: Ruth Williams
  • 2016: Sophia Liu
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